
Dieting the Right Way

What if you could eat what you wanted, within reason, and still lose weight? That’s the claim made by hundreds of diets, dietary product manufacturers, and self-help health authors. That claim has a ring of truth to it, though. In general, by dieting the right way and exercising, you can

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Stress Eating

Obesity – once a health condition, has now turned into an epidemic as pointed out by doctors, researchers and scientists. Not actually a disease in itself, obesity , however is the root cause of several health risks such as irregular blood sugar, disturbed heart rate, increased cholesterol level and many more. If not monitored properly,

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Makeup Trends

So, what will 2017 bring as far as makeup trends go? We probably aren’t to the point in the future when makeup trends will be modeled after Capital residents in The Hunger Games , there are some pretty unusual makeup trends that could becoming up in 2017. From unusual colors and styles,

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The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Certain things in life can come in trends, like fashion, music, and even health products. Sometimes these trends can get confusing since popularity levels can skyrocket and plummet, and we as consumers might never be sure what the next big things are going to be. We wait, see, and then

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The How-To’s of Hairbrush Cleaning

There are so many things in your day-to-day life that require maintenance and cleaning, and while you’re tending to the bigger things—like laundry and a sink full of dishes—some of the smaller things can easily get overlooked. For some those forgotten items, the consequences of not cleaning them regularly can

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At-Home Exercise Equipment

With a new year can come a series of new goals and plans, and they can take many shapes and forms. Maybe you want to finish up that degree you’ve been working on, or there might be a certain book event happening in the fall that you just have to

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An Analysis of the Pigeon Pose

One of the best pieces of advice to give someone who’s interested in starting a workout regimen is to make sure that they’re physically well enough to handle certain kinds of exercise. Rule Number One, basically, is to check with your doctor to see what you can and can’t handle

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A Review of ExpertRating

In a world of online possibilities, there are so many things at your fingertips with an online connection. While this might seem fantastic at first glance, it does come with at least one downhill aspect, and that’s the fact that there are so many opportunities that less grand prospects are

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Best Canine Companions for Exercise

Fitness can take different forms for different people, and I don’t just mean that people have different methods of striving for their goals—though that’s certainly true! There really is no one way that’s the universal hope of giving people healthy bodies and routines, so the options are open in this

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Journey to a Pop-Free Me

Some people call it “soda.” Some call it “pop.” For me, it was always pop, and it was a very real part of my life. At my worst, I remember being at college and drinking around eight pops a day. That’s right. Eight pops a day. It was an addiction,

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6 Songs to Boost a Confidence

Did you ever find that one perfect song that said exactly what you were feeling at one specific moment in time? Or how about a song that helped you overcome a breakup, deal with grief, or pursue your dreams? That’s one of the things about music—it can cover so much

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