TheLastPicture.Show Movie Reviews

Phantom of the Opera


In the vast landscape of science fiction cinema, certain films stand out as timeless classics that transcend the boundaries of time and space. One such gem is The Doomsday Machine, a film that catapults audiences into a campy narrative filled with over-the-top science-fiction troupes that could only solidify the film’s place in cult classic history.

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Jean Cocteau - Orpheus Trilogy

The Myth of Orpheus

In the vast landscape of science fiction cinema, certain films stand out as timeless classics that transcend the boundaries of time and space. One such gem is The Doomsday Machine, a film that catapults audiences into a campy narrative filled with over-the-top science-fiction troupes that could only solidify the film’s place in cult classic history.

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The Doomsday Machine: A Cinematic Odyssey into the Abyss In the vast landscape of science fiction cinema, certain films stand out as timeless classics that transcend the boundaries of time and space. One such gem is The Doomsday Machine, a film that catapults audiences into a campy narrative filled with

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John Carpenter

The Times John Carpenter Took Chances

John Carpenter – The cult classic king who Took Chances John Carpenter is a cult classic king. But the road to royalty wasn’t always paved in gold. Sometimes, the road was more of a dirt path littered with thorns of critics, but Carpenter never let that stop him. He would

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Nicolas Cage best Films

Best Nicolas Cage Films

These are the movies that shows Nicolas Cage greatness Nic Cage is one of the most famous actors of all time. His impressive way of immersing himself into each character he plays certainly has a lot to do with that, but it’s not the only reason. The character of Nic

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2024 Top Ten Movies in Theater

Top Ten Movies Coming out in 2024 One of the best things about a new year approaching is resetting the clock to start fresh and get a jump on things. Gym memberships skyrocket while tobacco sales diminish. People around the country begin new hobbies and work towards their goals with

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ONE OF THE MOST INNOVATIVE HOLLYWOOD CLASSIC OF THE 1920s By Anthony Martinez RosalesThe Stanford Daily – “20/20 Vision” – May 2023 “Wings” (1927) felt like just another war movie until I found out that it used real planes to film the aerial shots. The fact that filmmakers bore the

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Roger Corman and The Fast and The Furious

WHO KNEW? by Victoria Thomas (@Miss_Vickums) In his 1990 biography, “How I Made a Hundred Movies in Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime” Corman wrote: “My film budgets have always been notoriously lean, while the waste and excess built into the major studios’ productions have tended to appall me.”   Corman’s

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