TheLastPicture.Show Movie Talk

6 Directors You Should Know

6 Directors You Should Know

Any film lover worth their weight in salt understands that a director can make or break a film. A director leaves their fingerprint on each movie they work on and if that fingerprint is one to be desired, a fan base will be built quickly. Names like Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese,

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6 Movies You Have Never Heard

6 Movies You Have Never Heard

Every year thousands of movies are released. Some of these movies are big hits, some of them are flops and some of them are treasures buried by the over saturated market. It is impossible to watch every single movie that is released and to be honest, even if you were

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5 Movies So Scary They Were Banned

5 Movies So Scary They Were Banned

It’s no secret that when it comes to horror movies most fans want to be scared beyond belief. If being scared is the point of this genre, can there be such a thing as too scary? There is a fine line between scary and just down right disturbing and there

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5 Must Watch Movies on Halloween

5 Must Watch Movies on Halloween

Traditions are what make up almost every aspect of Halloween. Some of these traditions have roots that go back before America was a country. Without these traditions and celebrations, October 31st would just be another day. One of the best and most entertaining of these traditions, is to cuddle up on

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The Snyder Cut Pushes The Cost Of Justice League

The Snyder Cut Pushes The Cost Of Justice League

People have always been fascinated by big budget Hollywood productions that either go massively over budget or completely off the rails, as there’s always a sense of morbid curiosity associated with someone spending hundreds of millions of dollars of the studio’s money and somehow still managing to get it catastrophically

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Mulan Releasing On Disney Plus

Mulan Releasing On Disney Plus

Disney’s live-action remakes of their animated back catalogue have provided another hugely lucrative revenue stream for a multimedia conglomerate that already has Star Wars, the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Pixar at their disposal. While the majority of these re-imaginings are painfully lacking in originality and much happier to simply recreate

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Disney Classics – The Best of the Best

Disney Classics – The Best of the Best

One of the most memorable aspects of childhood can be linked to things we watched as children, whether those things are television shows or movies that we adored. Sometimes those memories can be rekindled through a new movie or TV series that embraces those shows we appreciated in our youth—like

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Something for the 90′ Fans

Something for the 90′ Fans

While television has changed over the years, it’s remained a steady aspect of life for decades. Sure, we can now watch shows on Netflix instead of waiting for them to appear on some station’s scheduling. We can even purchase DVD or Blu-ray copies of certain shows. But however we’ve been

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