“The Little Shop of Horrors” is a 1960 American black comedy film directed by Roger Corman. The film is a comedy horror about a clumsy and impoverished florist’s assistant named Seymour who raises a plant that feeds on human flesh and blood. The plant, which he calls Audrey II, eventually grows to an enormous size and attracts a great deal of attention from customers and the media, leading Seymour to make increasingly desperate attempts to keep the plant fed.
The film has since become a cult classic and has been adapted into several stage productions, including a successful off-Broadway production in 1982 and a feature film musical in 1986 directed by Frank Oz. The film’s songs, such as “Skid Row (Downtown),” “Suddenly, Seymour,” and “Feed Me (Git It),” have become popular in their own right and are often performed outside of the context of the film.